Friday, January 15, 2016

Managed PlayStation 4 to end the year 2015 AD, full of achievements and brilliant sales of the device superiority over rivals Xbox Wen forthcoming December 2015 sales calendar , and according to NPD company statistics that Blaesican 4 won more device -selling during the year 2015 AD in the United States, the largest market for games in the world.
This is the second month in a row that the Playstation outperform the 4 on the Xbox Wen and Wii U, and in contrast, we find that the statistics Xbox Wen refers to the superiority in sales on Xbox 360 the previous generation of Microsoft's devices , where Mr.
Liam Callahan said of the NPD company that Wen Xbox and PlayStation 4 sales since their release in November 2013 AD, after the passage of 26 months that the total sales show superiority Wen Xbox and PlayStation 4 and Xbox 360 sales Blaesican 3 by 47 % from the previous generation hardware sales in the same period.
US gaming market during the month of December 2015 AD earn revenues of up to $ billion US dollars 3.22 ( equivalent to 12.08 billion Saudi riyals ) which is lower by 1% from December 2014 revenues AD which reached $ billion US dollars 3.26 ( equivalent to 12.23 billion Saudi riyals ) , and As for the sales of games , it has managed to game the correction and the first perspective, Call of Duty: Black Ops III of export sales , and this means that the Call series of Duty managed to get the first place in the month of December again for the sixth time in seven years and the only time which ceded the lead was in the year 2013 AD in front of Grand Theft Auto V.

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