Monday, January 25, 2016

The cost of producing virtual reality glasses and specifications:-


We will be during this year on a date with the release of a number of companies for glasses virtual reality their own and all the company of those companies are consumers aspiring to go to experience virtual reality games that it will give them experience the best, but once the Oculus company revealed the price of glasses Oculus Rift of $ 600 any 2250 Real resound even began booing what they saw as exaggerated price, and some game developers have questioned the success of these glasses.

But is it really this price is exaggerated. According to assurances Palmer Loki innovative Oculus Rift that his company will not achieve any profits from sales of these glasses and that this high price is only due to production costs prohibitive for this technology, and in order to shed more light on this point the Goldman company Sachs published the results of specialized research report had been prepared on the production costs of VR glasses in the industry and you currently below the most prominent are the following:

1.Facebook Oculus Rift
Cost productivity of these glasses was estimated around $ 500 a 1875 riyals, which is customized to work with Windows machines 10 as it includes processor inside dedicated to track head movement and location of the user presence within the environment surrounding it, but the highlight Maemezha is a tracking system Constellation Positioning Tracker, consisting of 40 light LED dispersed on the structure of glasses along with a separate camera placed in the corner of the room is calculated so that the user places the positioning inside the room and also the direction of its movement.

2.HTC Vive

This is also the glasses are designed to work with PC devices, but unlike the Oculus Rift does not have an internal processor and disk storage SSD, but the display where the screen is more accurate than Ookelos, these glasses technology uses a different track also Ookelos and less expensive ones called Lighthouse, which operates through the issuance of two separate optical signals are received optical sensors present in the glasses.

It has been estimated the cost of producing HTC Vive about $ 400 riyals any 1500 in order to adopt Valve on cutting techniques and cheaper than Ookelos such as lenses used, and they do not contain a mechanism for modifying the size of the glasses fit with the user.

3.Sony PlayStation VR
PlayStation VR
These glasses up and running depends on the PlayStation 4 device and tracking system which depends on the PlayStation camera and LED lights in glasses, and in order to improve the performance of these glasses Sony has industry independent body serves as a processing unit improves communication between the glasses and a PlayStation 4.It has been estimated production cost of these glasses about $ 350 a 1312 riyals, according to the report, this cost is the lowest among the rest of the competition glasses because of the need for these glasses contain a complex track work system they rely on PlayStation camera, as well as the glasses PlayStation VR does not include the internal processor and internal storage and battery All of these factors have contributed to decrease the cost of production.

4.Microsoft HoloLens    
This helmet will be the highest cost was estimated the cost of production of about $ 1500 any 5625 Real where this helmet characterized by the existence of a powerful processor Atom Cherry Trail 2.7GHz processor and graphical processor technology Tri-width dimensions HPU as well as the projection screen or projector is the offer on any wall high-definition accurately .Besides using glass Microsoft-type LCoS in lenses industry Khoztha in order to maintain transparency, as well as to contain the helmet on 7 cameras to track user movement and wherever they are located within the room and all that to make augmented reality best form of experience so that the user can interact with the surroundings through Photos and cut-outs hologram.hololensx519_0

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